Consultation for medical equipment purchase

A new medical equipment purchase is one of important work for new hospitals and existing hospitals. In most of the hospitals, the decision making process is taken by the doctor himself. We have seen the sales person waiting for the surgeon to come out of the operation theater to discuss about the required equipment. But they are not able to spend time to research the product in there work busy.

What we Provide

The Bionix help the doctors/ owners of the Large multi-specialty or Super-specialty hospitals, small and medium hospital to manage the assets available in the form of biomedical equipment more effectively. We are managing the total life cycle of all biomedical equipment.

Why Bionix?

Requirements justify

We will prepare standard purchase order for you.


We will help in justifying the requirement of proposed equipment.

Products Evaluating.

Evaluating various products.

Finalizing specification

Finalize the products specification.

Making comparatives

Making comparatives of available options.

Quick decision

Quick decision making to finalize.

Energy saving

A huge amount of time and energy will save to the doctors.

We'll treat you right!

Need professional help? Our support staff will answer your questions. Call us now!


Medical Equipments maintenance


Satisfied Hospitals and healthcare points


Service points in South India


Maintenance activities